Ways to Give

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." - Charles Dickens


Fill out our online form to donate securely online.


Highly appreciated stocks, bonds and other securities can be very attractive vehicles for charitable gifts.


You can leave family or other loved ones by remembering United Way in your will or by using another planned giving vehicle.


An amazing 80% of our annual campaign receipts come from individuals who make their donation through payroll deduction at work. If your employer has a United Way campaign, please consider participating. Ask your employer to start a campaign if there isn't one.

  • Remember to Designate: When you work outside of St. Croix, Pierce or Polk Counties or outside of our Northern Wisconsin communities, you must remember to designate your contribution to United Way St. Croix Valley or it will go to the United Way for your work location. In many cases, you must ask the coordinator of the United Way campaign for a special designation form or manually write in our name. Call us at 715-377-0203 if you have any questions because your home town needs your support.
  • For Federal Employees: If you are a federal employee, you can give cash, check or payroll deduction through the Combined Federal Campaign. See www.northernlightscfc.org for information. United Way St. Croix Valley's 5-digit CFC code is 85942.


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice, and United Way St. Croix Valley is a registered partner. Make sure to start your shopping at smile.amazon.com and choose United Way St. Croix Valley as your selected charity.

Please call us at (715) 377-0203 with any questions.  Thank you!